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at home, supposed to be celebrating mom’s birthday so here’s just a little interesting thing I found via NYTimes (my fave!)

Click on “Switch all tossups to McCain” or whatever the devil it says, and see that Obama still wins… I know that polling is an inexact science and so is calling electoral votes but still, very interesting. I guess we’ll see how it ends up!

PS-Do you think the electoral college is a good thing, or no? See, many people think it’s a bad thing, putting the kibosh on a “free” election. The problem is that it wouldn’t be free, persay–most people who barely have the funds now to run would NEVER be able to run, much less even contemplate it, because of the vast majority of campaign funds that would be necessary in so very many states.

At the same time, the winner take all system is looking more and more dated as time goes by, and creates little incentive for people to vote when they are in a state in which their vote will most likely not count. This is true for me–I’d be a registered voter right now if I didn’t live in a red state, and therefore feel apathetic about my vote ever counting in the first place (Not that I vote blue; I vote by character–I’m an Obama supporter who was president of Young Republicans back in high school!).

So which side do you agree with? Is there a better solution? Would it become possible in this increasingly digital era to be able to run a cheaper (and still effective) campaign as less expensive internet resources are used, therefore nullifying the argument for more expensive campaigns? Or do you think that even now, our campaign system unfairly benefits the wealthy (See Tom Tancredo as an example)? Tell me what you think! I don’t often ask for opinions, but this is something I truly want to know about!

i didn’t write about this earlier because i wasn’t sure i wanted to write about it, but here goes: I didn’t register to vote. And because the time on this thing is wrong, i should have registered yesterday, not two days ago (silly wordpress)… saturday was the last day.

the thing is, i meant to, but i didn’t… if i had a candidate that i actually liked, i would have. but seriously, i don’t want to be responsible for putting either of those people in office. obama lacks experience, joe biden lacks eloquence, john mccain lacks a clear vision and a plan and sarah palin lacks common sense and intelligence in the realm of politics in general. there are so many people who deserve to be on the ticket far more than these four:

1. bill richardson
2. rudy giuliani (provided he ran a better campaign of course)
3. mitt romney
4. hillary clinton (yeah, didn’t like saying that)
5. john kerry
6. the hat hanging on my closet door
7. ron paul

the thing is, i don’t particularly like any of the above people’s platforms, but they were effective leaders with strategies (aside from the hat, which in general would have just done a better job). and i chose from both parties because it is ridiculous to make this into party politics. the simple facts are that no one in this election is qualified, much like the carter election in the 70s. good job in the primaries, america.

so i abstain from registering and voting not as a matter of principle, but as a matter of fact–the fact that none of these people will do a bang-up, better than bush job. so prove me wrong, candidates, please, because i need the economy to bounce back so i can get a job after i leave school.

now back to normal blogging.


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